Nikka Coffey Gin
Nikka Coffey Gin
Discover Nikka Coffey Gin, a masterful Japanese gin crafted with rich, mellow spirit from Nikka's signature Coffey stills. Infused with exotic citrus fruits like yuzu, kabosu, amanatsu, and shikuwasa, complemented by tangy apples and spicy sansho pepper, this gin offers a vibrant and complex flavor profile. Distilled with precision at Miyagikyo Distillery using imported Scottish stills, Nikka Coffey Gin delivers a unique Japanese twist, perfect for gin enthusiasts. Explore the harmony of tradition and innovation in every sip. Bottled at 47%ABV (Bottle size 700ml)
Nose: Bright and lively with an abundance of citrus fruits—yuzu, lemon zest, and rich orange juice dominate. Subtle layers of buttery spice and a touch of citrusy juniper add depth and balance.
Palate: Sweet at first, evolving into a cascade of citrus flavors—ripe fruits, zesty peel, and tangy pith. A hint of tropical fruit salad adds an exotic twist, grounded by soft spices and earthy juniper undertones.
Finish :A harmonious blend of spice and citrus peel takes the lead, gradually fading into a lingering sweetness with a tangy citrus zest finish.